Based in the midwest, Crowned & Co. is a blog by Cole. Her posts explore the beauty of strength, Diving inward, and shining your light.

Tips for Your Best Romantic Relationship

Tips for Your Best Romantic Relationship

This post on love and relationships comes from Briana, a dear friend. Seven years ago, we worked at a place that treated youth who had experienced severe traumas. Since then I’ve learned Bri has one of the most beautiful souls I've ever known; she's seriously the sweetest. I asked her to join us because not only does she live out loud, she loves out loud as well. She's been with her partner for about 4 years and they have one of the happiest and healthiest romantic relationships I know of. I admire her transparency, and I hope you resonate with what she has to share.

Relationships are extremely complicated when you’re not with the right person. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline, respect, and selflessness to sustain a healthy relationship. Communication is huge! Without communication, your relationship cannot evolve nor flourish. It’s imperative to make your needs known or they will never be met. It’s a great idea for couples to come up with a system for communication; for example, touching base every 6 months or each year on your anniversary, to reflect on the previous year and discuss adjustments that need to be made within the relationship. My boyfriend and I touch base quarterly to discuss goals and the direction of our relationship. It’s so important to understand that you’re both on the same page and are able to touch base. This is actually a great tool to use for communication and reassurance, which we all need!

A relationship is only going to be as good as the effort you put into it. It requires work! I always say that my individual life and relationship requires two things: God and effort! You must be open and willing to do the work. Sometimes, that means when your partner can only give 20%, you will have to put in 80%. There will be days when you do not feel like loving the other person, but you do it anyway. You cannot be selfish. You have to be very patient and understanding of your partner. Understand that they and you will change throughout the years. You will both develop different needs and wants as both your relationship and individual lives evolve. Make time to study your partner. I always find it helpful to listen to YouTube videos, podcasts, and read books about the opposite sex. Men and women navigate life very differently and speak different languages, therefore, it will never hurt to educate yourself a little more about the other. Not to mention, your partner will be pretty flattered that you are going the extra mile to learn more about them!

Speaking of languages, learn their love language!!!! There are five love languages: Gifts, Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation! Once you master your partner’s love language, you will officially have the ability to tap into their “sweet spot” and make them feel like a priority all the time! We all long to be wanted, needed, and desired by our partner.

I would like to leave you with a few things to be mindful of whether you’re single or married:

  1. Love even when you don’t feel like it.

  2. Love is not a competition, it’s a collaboration. You guys are a team! “It’s self love for two!”

  3. Your partner should always elevate you and vice versa.

  4. Never do anything that would embarrass or disrespect your partner, you will always be a representation of them.

  5. Love is challenging, but it’s not supposed to be painful.

  6. You can never give your all to someone you don’t trust.

  7. Understand that your partner is human, too! There will be times you will have to forgive them for being human. Try not to take their behavior so personally if they’re tired, stressed, overworked, etc.

  8. Address issues early! Do not keep it in and bring it up later. You will be able to recover much sooner the earlier you communicate your concerns!

  9. Love is a risk and will always be a risk!

  10. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so enjoy it with your partner! Relationships are supposed to be beautiful, loving, challenging and adventurous!

Do you know your love language? If so, have you shared it shared it with the people you love? If not, find out and let us know if you agree with your results in the comments below!

Briana is a writer and content creator who finds fulfillment in motivating and influencing people to live a healthy, wholesome life by focusing on self-love and awareness. Briana is on the quest to inspire others and provide a positive perspective on life and relationships. You can follow her on Instagram @brianaprimas.

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