Heart Vibes
When I think of love and spirituality the Heart Chakra comes to mind. I’m not an expert on chakras, but I have appreciated the knowledge I’ve acquired over the last decade. I took time exploring different practices to see what works well for me, and I’ll share with you, what has helped me achieve optimum life balance. The Heart Chakra is the cornerstone for connection, empathy, and forgiveness. It governs the energy for self love, self acceptance, and love for others. In other words, get in tune with your heart groove. These vibrations matter, sis.
Let’s dive in. What is the Heart Chakra, what happens when it’s out of whack, and how do we heal?
Anahata, the 4th chakra, is Sanskrit for unhurt, unstuck, or unbeaten. Sanskrit, it’s so beautiful. When you look at a chakra chart, it’s the green one, located in the center of the chest, near the heart. As the 4th chakra, it connects the lower three body (root, sacral, and solar plexus) chakras to the upper three spirit (throat, third eye, and crown) chakras.
A Heart Chakra imbalance can either be deficient, not have enough energy flowing in, or excessive, by having too much energy flow in. Causes for a blocked Heart Chakra stem from repressed emotions, such as childhood trauma or a grudge, and this imbalance can manifest emotionally or physically. Emotionally, we’re talking anger, rage, fear of abandonment, uncertainty, anxiety, grudges, and numbness. Physical manifestations come in the form of migraines, skin disorders, hypertension, addictive behaviors, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. You can see the fiasco these blockages can create in the relationship with yourself and others.
In this space, we rebuke codependency, fear, uncertainty, and all that other unhealthy shit. Good vibrations flow through us with ease. There is enough space for all of us to live our best lives, and we can start by clearing out and healing our Heart Chakras. Since the Heart Chakra is green, start by incorporating more green into your life. Eating more green things like, spinach, green peppers, broccoli, kiwi etc. If veggies aren’t your jam, and they should be, try wearing green. If you don’t already have some plants, get some of those; I’m a sucker for succulents. Hug more, give yourself permission to feel, and be open to receiving love.
One day, I’ll own a set of chakra crystals and chakra essential oils, until then, here are some things I practice regularly.
Laugh! It’s seriously the best medicine, do this multiple times per day if possible.
Being thankful and grateful helps the Heart Chakra too. For me, actions truly speak louder than words, so I’m actively working on showing more gratitude towards others.
Meditate! This has been a game changer for me. I started dabbling with mediation in 2011, and became pretty consistent in 2014; consistency has been key. One of my favorite no fuss mediations is, the “Love Meditation.” When I’m feeling in need of a bit more guidance, this Chakra Cleansing Meditation is my go to. Unfortunately the original is no longer free 99, but the updated mediation is also pretty stellar.
Balancing chakras is not a one time fix, it’s a continuous journey. The first step towards healing, is practicing self love. We need to fully love ourselves and protect ourselves completely. Only then will we be able to extend this love to others.
May we all love fully and completely. With grace and light.
- Cole
When you think of love and spirituality, what comes to mind? How to do you plan on keeping your Heart Chakra balanced? Share in the comments below.