The Great Pretender
In case you didn’t know, forgot, or simply haven’t heard it in a while, YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE WORTHY. It’s 2019, loves! If you haven’t already done so let’s stop worrying if we’re enough, shall we? I have friends doing amazing things with their lives and making gains at work, during the last few weeks, at least three have posted about “imposter syndrome.” Essentially, it’s when high achievers, who have worked their asses off to accomplish various goals, feel like frauds. Like they're not quite good enough, or don’t yet belong in their elevated environment. None of these ladies know each other, and my guess is if those three were brave enough to share about their struggles many more are focused on the weight of their inadequacies as opposed embracing their success, and ultimately their greatness.
As we continue to sashay and slay through our lives, thoughts of self-doubt and fear need to be released. Oftentimes negative thoughts are repeated so much, they become part of our subconscious. As a result, this negativity can spill over and manifest in various ways, leading to thoughts of self-doubt or self-sabotaging behaviors.
If you’re having a hard time releasing the fear of not being good enough, here are three things you can do. One, whenever negative thoughts start to creep in immediately put a stop to it. In the midst of self-doubt, brutally interrupt the negative self-talk and stop that shit. Two, when venting, try to avoid the downward spiral, it’s a trap. Instead of focusing on all the things that have gone wrong, stop and flip it. Ask yourself, “what’s going right?” Ask, “what am I grateful for?” Then answer why you’re grateful for that thing. I dare you to find the silver lining. Lastly, be still. Sit, relax, and inhale a few slow breaths and try this prayer, “I release, and let go. Amen.” Say this several times throughout the day if you need to. You can be as detailed as you’d like, but don’t complicate things. You’re releasing and letting go of what no longer serves you.
That’s all. You are not a fraud. Know who you are, gather yourself, and keep moving forward. I know this can be easier said than done, but doing the inner work by eliminating the negativity is necessary to reach the life you desire.
Cheers to shining brightly!
Have you ever felt like a fraud, when you knew you weren’t? If so, share how you got over your imposter syndrome in the comments below.